MCL Medics are delighted to announce that we have been granted HSE approval to deliver the Initial and Refresher Offshore Medic Course
We are now onlythe 4th company in Scotland to attain the approval since the inception of the HSE approval process began in 1989.
Although our course is new to the market, MCL Medics are an established and trusted provider of Offshore Medics. Therefore, this gives us a comprehensive understanding of the need for high quality, focused training, enabling medics to be able to work independently of definitive care facilities. We have a thorough insight to the unique limitations and resources available in the offshore environment. Our training provides learners with an awareness of the hazards of remote working, thus giving them the confidence to be adaptable and flexible to an ever changing and challenging work environment.
The training is supported by clinicians with a proven track record of working within the remote medical industry. All are currently practicing clinicians within the primary care, secondary care and/or the offshore sectors.
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